
Yasuhiro Chida


White nylon threads are randomly woven throughout the space, and in the surrounding darkness, a single beam of white light is projected, continuously rising upward. At that moment, viewers are enveloped by thousands of tiny points of light moving skyward. Due to the intricate and random angles of the threads, each light point seems to move at a different speed. As visitors walk through the installation, they feel as though they are surrounded by shooting stars or gently sinking into water. Hope and despair coexist on a fine line, presented simultaneously. Light, being the purest material, has the power to transform tangible space. When it reaches an almost imperceptible state, teetering on the edge of human perception, it sheds its physical form and becomes nothing more than a quality and a space.


7 | 光浴.光遇 Bathed in Light, Met by Light


9 | 2224切片 Slice of 2224